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PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) — Former Providence Mayor Joseph Paolino Jr. is planning on giving the capital city a facelift.
Paolino unveiled a comprehensive beautification and greenery plan Tuesday aimed at transforming the Providence’s downtown streetscape, which was inspired by his visit to Chicago for the Democratic National Convention last year.
“I was absolutely blown away by Chicago’s downtown atmosphere,” Paolino explained. “I immediately recognized how transformative a similar approach to urban beautification could be for our city. It isn’t just about aesthetics – it’s about creating an environment that attracts businesses, residents and visitors to our downtown core.”
Paolino commissioned Traverse Landscape Architects to develop the plan, which identifies spots in the capital city that could use enhancements. The plan offers street-by-street recommendations such as sidewalk improvements, lighting upgrades and the installation of street trees.
“The plan we’ve developed is potentially transformative for downtown Providence,” Traverse Landscape Architects’ Ashley Iannuccilli Cullion said. “Increasing our urban canopy and making our streets more beautiful and pedestrian-friendly can be vital catalysts for economic development and business attraction.”
The plan specifically addresses the city’s key corridors, including Friendship Street, Dorrance Street, Pine Street and Fulton Street.
The goal of the plan is to aesthetically improve downtown Providence’s streetscapes and also make them safer for everyone who lives, works and visits the city, according to Paolino.
“A picture is worth a thousand words, and throughout my career, I’ve learned that showing people a concrete vision is often the first step,” he said. “This plan gives all stakeholders something tangible to react to and refine together.”
Paolino presented his proposal to Providence Mayor Brett Smiley first, who he said seemed thrilled about its potential impact on the city. He then shared his vision with the Providence Foundation earlier this month.
“I think it will be good for the economy and it will be good for the environment,” Smiley said on 12 News at 4 Wednesday afternoon. “I think greening up downtown will have a lot of benefits.”
David Salvatore, executive director of the Providence Foundation, described the plan as being “an exciting starting point.”
“While executing a plan of this magnitude requires bringing many parties to the table, [Paolino] has presented a compelling vision for making downtown Providence better,” Salvatore said.
Paolino said the plan is just the beginning and stressed the importance of building financial support and partnerships.
“Now we need to roll up our sleeves and do the hard work of bringing resources together,” Paolino said. “This is a transformative moment for Providence, and it will take all of us — private businesses, city leadership, and our incredible philanthropic community — working in unison to make it happen.”
Paolino does not have a cost estimate for the plan just yet, but said he’s in the process of crunching the numbers.